
Archive for the ‘tech’ Category

Computer glasses.

Ever since they made the computers, everyone dream of having a portable computer. And they’ve made it, the laptop. But that wasn’t portable enough, so they make phone computer or PDA. But that don’t have the features that made them liked the computer. And then finally come the netbook. This was a big hit partly because it is so small that you can fit it in your purse and partly because it is a genuine computer.

But this new invention develop by one kid has made computer in your preakin glasses.

Quote from gizmodo :

Technically, that video display is one monitor from a pair of Myvu Crystal glasses, but one MicroPCTalk forum member connected the device to a completely portable computing rig, powered by a Sony UX380N UMPC and accessing online content (at half the speed of dial up) via a Motorola iDEN i425 cellphone.
Bluetooth fills in the gaps for various input (mouse, FrogPad keyboard and mic) and output (stereo audio), but the system is far from wireless, with most components wired directly into the UX380N.


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If you read my previous post about android donut having new codes and will have lots and lots of features. Well you just got rick roll! Sorry, according to Gizmodo, one of the developer said that multitouch is not one of the many features that is going to available in android donut. They were gonna make the multitouch for the android donut, but there were a new restaurant beside the office and they decided to have some lunch instead.

Quote from Gizmodo :

Sad, but the information is still a bit ambiguous, being one line in a Google Groups discussion. We also don’t have any additional word on the other features we told you about yesterday, including universal search, text-to-speech, automated backups, a new camera app, supposedly better performance, and CDMA support (ammo for an imminent Sprint launch).

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Androids new code.

Android, the fast growing phone software that is made by the guys from google. It is for Android Donut and it sounds too good to be true. People at XDA Developers are reporting it has system-wide multitouch, universal search, text-to-speech, automated backups, a new camera app, and somehow, supposedly better performance.

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PSP 3D with V-Screen.

Have you ever played your PSP(assuming that you have one) and thought to yourself “i wish this game was in 3d”. Well now your wish has come true by help from V-Screen. It is an add-on to your PSP and what you do is that you put your PSP in it and watch through the glass above(presumably).

It also will “enhances the perceived depth of the 2D screen image.” With 3D gaming is getting popular now. I can really see this add-on taking off in the hardcore gamers market. But as we can see from the picture, it’s only available with the PSP 3000, 2000, 1000. Hope that it will incorporated it with the new PSP Go.

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Xbox portable system?

There is been a great deal of rumors that multi-billion company Microsoft who gives us the Xbox 360 is likely to lunch a portable system. This rumor has also been supported by the fact that Xbox has no portable system yet. Unlike their Japanese rivals Sony with the Sony PSP and Nintendo with the Nintendo DSi.

I love to see the portable device will have arcade games from Xbox Live, so that we can play it wherever and whenever. If it has the WIFI internet connection it should have, We can connect to Xbox Live Marketplace and download movies and music on the go. And with Microsoft’s ability, I can definitely see that the portable device should have xbox graphics.

However, with game sales struggling due to the economy, we can’t see Microsoft releasing it anytime soon.

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